Its Monday August 12 when i first walked into this classroom , I nervously looked around the
room anxious to find a seat. But that nervousness quickly faded when Dr. Preston greeted us in a confident and polite manner. I quickly thought to myself this might not be so bad after all.

      My first day in Dr Preston's class i was thrown a curve ball I walked into that class with a vision of how the semester was going to go. Without even have speaking a word to him i made up my mind that it was going to be the same old boring book work that were all used to. But i quickly came to find out that i was wrong when he gave the choice of how the class was going to go and walked out and let us talk among ourselves. That completely blew my mind because here was this teacher that was comfortable with making mistakes in front of us , That let us decide how his class was going to run by him doing that it got me invested in his classroom.

           We wasted no time getting straight to work , I was quickly introduced into a new learning environment and new ways of learning. As much as i loved soaking in all this new knowledge i was being presented with i quickly fell behind on blogs and journals. A big part of that was due to my prior experiences with writing i always viewed it as work and nothing else. The more i invested myself in that class the more i devolved different perspectives on writing i started to view as a way to express myself. Reading those essays and poems and novels and the way we dissected them  helped my view on writing.

         I recently felt the lack of  " motivation" so i sat down and had a one on one conversation with Dr Preston. We exchanged couple of our thoughts its funny because he told me I didn't need motivation to get things down and by him telling me that it gave me motivation to get my work done. During the weeks leading up to our interviews i did not think i was going to make it i did not have any of my documents done i didn't feel like i was going to persevere but that conversation gave me everything i needed to finish strong and i feel like i did just that.

           I've learned just to be consistent with my work and dont procrastinate because once you start you're going to keep blowing off assignments and eventually you're going to be in a hole you cant dig yourself out of. I learned that the hard way and it could easily be avoided if you stay consistent with your work.

             Its crazy how one class can change you as a learner in such a short period of time i came into this class as a person that didn't enjoy reading or writing,. But being in Dr Preston's class helped me in a way that other classes haven't it made me enjoy writing. He gave us a platform to voice our opinions on things even if we didn't see eye to eye about it. Writing everyday helped me think for myself it helped me be okay with my opinion even if it wasn't the most popular one. Most importantly this class has helped me be comfortable with being comfortable im looking forward to what else this class has in store for me.


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