Emerson notes pt 3

- Nothing is at last scared but integrity of your own mind

- i ought to go up right and vital and speak the rude truth in all ways. If malice and vanity wear the coat of philanthropy

-  philanthropy - donation of money to good causes

- Emerson is not against charity but he is against it if you're doing it to portray yourself as a good person.   

-virtues - good qualities or traits

- For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure

    What i took out of this section of Emerson's essay and what Dr Preston said was that people believe and think  they're doing "good" for whatever reason. But in reality they're doing it to portray themselves as something there not and they dont even realise it. Another thing i took out of what Dr Preston said was that everyone has a uniform just like Dr Preston said. Everyone wants and trys to be different but they dont see that they're being like everyone else. I think people should stay true to themselves and not try an "fit"in. By trying to be different an not be like everyone else just take away from who you really are it just covers up the real you but what do i know that's just my take on it.


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