

" A guy who craved love from someone who didn't love him as much which ultimately to his death" Gatsby couldn't let go of his past with daisy and i believe it kind of consumed his life in a way and he didn't see what it doing to his life 

Gatsby chapter 9 thoughts and notes

. Gatsby was organised and responsible as a kid . no one showed up to the funeral . tom sent Wilson to Gatsby house .

thoughts Gatsby chapter 8

1. 2. Tells him to go to Atlantic city or Montreal for the weekend but he wanted to know what daisy was going to do 3. They hadn't been closer in their month of love 4. I think its important because hes never done it before and just in case something happens to him he should have at least swam in his pool once. 5. Wilson thinks Gatsby did it so he goes to find him and when he does he shoots him and then after he shoots himself and commits suicide.

chapter 7 questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

chapter 7

First time Gatsby , tom and daisy are together Gatsby threaten toms marriage toms girlfriend got killed tom thinks Gatsby did it Gatsby doesn't even care that he ran her over hes just worried about daisy daisy was the one driven

Gatsby Test

1. who is the narrator? 2. what did Tom do when he went to the mechanics house? 3. Who broke Mrs Wilson nose 4 who is daisy? 5. Why did he break Mrs Wilson nose 6. What were the rumours about Gatsby that the women talked about 7.. what kind of friends does Gatsby have  8.what were the mans cuff lings made out of?

Gatsby chapter 4

- being racist against Jews and blacks - Gatsby is friends with gambler that fixed world series - He tests nick